Thompson, Richard - Across a crowded room

Album informatie

Nummer 970
Titel Across a crowded room
Artiest Thompson, Richard
Label BGO
Bestelnummer BGOCD 139
Medium CD
Jaar 1985
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 37:58


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Across a crowded room
1 When the spell is broken A 1985 4:31
2 You don't say A 1985 3:35
3 I ain't going to drag my feet no more A 1985 4:22
4 Love in a faithless country A 1985 5:55
5 Fire in the engine room A 1985 3:39
6 Walking through a wasted land A 1985 4:01
7 Little blue number A 1985 3:04
8 She twists the knife again A 1985 3:12
9 Ghosts in the wind A 1985 5:39