Tortoise - TNT

Album informatie

Nummer 1697
Titel TNT
Artiest Tortoise
Label City Slang
Bestelnummer EFA 08705-2
Medium CD
Jaar 1998
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 1:04:25


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
1 TNT A 1998 7:30
2 Suring from the gutters A 1998 5:50
3 Ten-day interval A 1998 4:41
4 I set my face to the hillside A 1998 6:07
5 Equator, The A 1998 3:40
6 Simple way to go faster than light that does not work A 1998 3:32
7 Suspension bridge at Iguazu falls, The A 1998 5:36
8 Four-day interval A 1998 4:43
9 In Sarah, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven there were women and men A 1998 7:27
10 Almost always is nearly enough A 1998 2:39
11 Jetty A 1998 8:20
12 Everglade A 1998 4:20