Big Country - Peace in our time

Album informatie

Nummer 1134
Titel Peace in our time
Artiest Big Country
Label Mercury
Bestelnummer 836 325-2
Medium Band
Jaar 1988
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 49:43


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Peace in our time
1 King of emotion A 1988 4:51
2 Broken heart (thirteen valleys) A 1988 5:11
3 Thousand yard stare A 1988 3:53
4 From here to eternity A 1988 4:55
5 Everything I need A 1988 4:40
6 Peace in our time A 1988 4:35
7 Time for leaving A 1988 5:03
8 River of hope A 1988 4:31
9 In this place A 1988 4:22
10 I could be happy here A 1988 4:29
11 Travellers, The A 1988 3:13