Dead can dance - Within the realm of a dying sun

Album informatie

Nummer 1126
Titel Within the realm of a dying sun
Artiest Dead can dance
Label 4AD
Bestelnummer CAD 705 CD
Medium CD
Jaar 1987
Digitaal Ja
Tijdsduur 38:43


Nr Titel Kant Jaar Tijdsduur
Within the realm of a dying sun
1 Anywhere out of the world A 1987 5:08
2 Windfall A 1987 3:30
3 In the wake of adversity A 1987 4:14
4 Xavier A 1987 6:16
5 Dawn of the iconoclast A 1987 2:06
6 Cantara A 1987 5:58
7 Summoning of the muse A 1987 4:55
8 Persephone (The gathering of flowers) A 1987 6:36